Count to five….

“Because Books”

My nose tucked deep into a book is not a rare occasion, for when passing any bookstore, I yield to persuasion. My hobby is a habit that isn’t seen as opportune, as I exceed my yearly budget, well before I get to June. I might in lesser moments acknowledge it’s a worry. But not so much that I would turn a new leaf in a hurry. Heaped quite high on dusty shelves, crammed into favorite nooks, arrayed in muddled splendor, are books and books and books! Worn and weathered from re-reading, they creak and crackle when in use, but I’d never change a-single-one, for reasons too abstruse. A curated collection – some are borrowed, some are new, that one’s a birthday present, and this one? Well, I’ve got two. My friends all think I’m barmy, and should be committed soon, cause I don’t mind jury-duty and I love a waiting room. I’ve no problem with long road-trips and I like an endless queue, any reason to be reading is an instance I’ll pursue. My husband makes appeal that I stem the heady flow, to slow my constant zeal…wait…a bookshop? Gotta go. So that’s my sorry tale, and if tested, I will fight. Thanks for your kind attention, now move, you’re blocking light. AE

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